Experience targeted muscle and facial relief with our Mini Cork Ball. Expertly designed for deep tissue massage, it soothes aching feet, increases flexibility, and enhances circulation with every roll. Use it after exercise or a long day to enhance relaxation and foot health.
Helps with:
- General Foot Weakness
- Balance
- Muscle Tightness
- Flat Foot
- Rigid Foot
- Bunions
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Metatarsalgia
- Morton's Neuroma
- Arthritis
- Tendonitis
Works On
Gentle massage to ease knots and boost circulation, ideal for reducing tension and improving foot mobility.
About The Rehab Mechanics
The content provided by The Rehab Mechanics is for informational purposes only. For personalised advice and to ensure any activity is suitable for your specific health needs, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. Always seek professional guidance for any medical conditions, symptoms, or concerns.